Published on October 6, 2005 By SlothMonkey In WindowBlinds
Please forgive if this has been posted I couldn't find anything on it.
I've got corrupted menu areas, file edit etc, at the top of some apps.

Here's a pic...

WindowBlinds 5 BETA Troubleshooting Report:


WindowBlinds is installed correctly on this PC.

WindowBlinds appears to be activated on this PC

Your machine supports per pixel borders on WindowBlinds skins.

You have one monitor in total.

(Plug and Play Monitor) 1 is attached to NVIDIA GeForce 7800 GT
'NetMeeting driver' also exists as device '\\.\DISPLAYV1', but is not attached to the desktop and is a mirror driver.
'RDPDD Chained DD' also exists as device '\\.\DISPLAYV2', but is not attached to the desktop and is a mirror driver.

on Oct 06, 2005
I've got the same problem here. I captured an image of the menu. When I left click in that area the menu appears but shortly thereafter creates an error. I also have a capture of the error codes. Not sure how to post a pic here.

WindowBlinds 5 BETA Troubleshooting Report:


WindowBlinds is installed correctly on this PC.

WindowBlinds appears to be activated on this PC

You have Stardock WindowFX running. Please be aware that WindowBlinds 5 is not compatible with WindowFX 2.11 or 2.19. WindowFX 2.5 beta which is compatible with WindowBlinds 5 will be released later this month

Your machine does not support per pixel borders on WindowBlinds skins.

This is because :

Your computer graphics hardware does not support acceleration of per pixel alpha. WindowBlinds requires this for per pixel alphablended borders as without it performance would be poor. Please see if you can obtain new drivers for your graphics hardware. Recent ATI & NVIDIA boards should support this feature. Onboard graphics tend not to.

You have one monitor in total.

(Default Monitor) 1 is attached to Mobility Radeon 7500C
'Mobility Radeon 7500C' also exists as device '\\.\DISPLAY2', but is not attached to the desktop.
'NetMeeting driver' also exists as device '\\.\DISPLAYV1', but is not attached to the desktop and is a mirror driver.
'RDPDD Chained DD' also exists as device '\\.\DISPLAYV2', but is not attached to the desktop and is a mirror driver.

on Oct 06, 2005
Me too.

I had StealthOS running in WB and simply switched to Cubism. Is it how these skins are put together?
on Oct 07, 2005
This is a similar issue. Small minimized titlebars not showing right, look at picture for a idea of what I mean

This is if I click it